The Hall of Fame Award is the highest honor the region can award a member, recognizing meritorious service to AANR-Midwest, AANR, and nudism. It is not intended to recognize club service unless such service was of direct benefit to AANR-Midwest and AANR.
AANR Midwest Hall of Fame
2023 Mark and Kerry Hammond, Turtle Lake Resort
2022 George and Nancy Volak
2022 Dave and Linda Myers
2017 Paula Fowler, Blue Lake
2017 Jawn Bauer, Fern Hills Club
2013 Bjorn Johnson, Oakwood Club
2011 George Morrison, Chicago Sun Club
2009 Betty Ripple, Fern Hills Club
2009 Bob & Julie Erlenmeyer, Green Valley/Buckeye Suns
2008 Bill Williams, Chicago Sun Club
2008 John Fredericks, Forest Hills Club
2007 Elmer & Lucille Adams, Sunshine Gardens
2007 Cathryn Finney, Forty Acres Club
2004 Ellyn Kern, Drakes Ridge Rustic Resort
2003 Cletus & Jeanne Toschlog, Sunshower Country Club
2002 Bonnie Johnson, Sno-Birds
2001 Earl Barrett, Sunny Haven
2001 George (Ed) Nichols, Sunny Haven
2000 Jack Dupree, Sunshower Country Club
2000 Tom Goin, Sunny Haven
1999 Roger Curry, Sunny Haven
1998 Brook Burger, Sunshower Country Club
1996 Don Deakin, Chicago Sun Club
1994 Elmer Johnson, Sno-Birds
1992 Marv Hylin, Blue Lake Club
Do you know someone who is deserving of a Hall of Fame nomination?
You can download the Hall of Fame Recommendation Form on the resources page.