Midwest Convention is Underway!
The 2019 AANR Midwest Convention is being held July 21-28 at Fern Hills Club near Bloomington, Indiana.
Sunday, July 28, 2019 — Final Convention Day!
High Temp 88 | Low Temp 68
Mostly Sunny! What an incredible week of Convention weather!
100% Chance of Feeling Free and Natural
9:00 AM AANR Volleyball Finals
12:00 PM AANR Petanque
6:00 PM Pitch-in @ The Roost
Thank you to everyone involved for making the 2019 AANR MW Convention one of the best ever!
Fern Hills Club has been awarded the 2020 AANR MW Convention!
Come back to FHC July 19 – 25, 2020!
So many winners at Saturday’s Raffle and Awards Presentation! Congratulations to all!
And in the final event of the 2019 Convention… Congratulations to Bob C. of Fern Hills for winning Petanque with a perfect score of 65 for 5 games; and to Dave M. of Fern Hills for winning a face-off with Debbie G. of Fern Hills for second place. Bob and Dave both won AANR MW towels for the marathon event that lasted nearly 6 hours!
Congratulations to Amber, Doug and Tiffany of Fern Hills for winning Novice Volleyball!
Congratulations to the AA volleyball winners: Rhys, Derek of Turtle Lake, Val of Blue Lake, Taylor, Dale of Whispering Oaks, and Lance of FHC!
Congrats to the Volleyball MVPs: AA MVP was Derek of Turtle Lake; B men’s MVP was Greg F of Turtle Lake; B women’s MVP was Pinky of Blue Lake!
Volleyball B 6’s Division winners were Greg F of Turtle Lake, Gloria of Blue Lake, Pinky of Blue Lake, Charlie of WTL, Richard of Oakwood and Christine of Oakwood. Congratulations to all!
Congratulations to Steve C. of Fern Hills for winning the Dirty Bird Tournament with a perfect score!
Congratulations to Steve (Spike) of Fern Hills for winning the poker tournament!
Attendance as of Saturday was 260 adults and 27 children for a total of 287!!!
Forty conventioneers played in the Co-Ed Bean Bag Tournament. First place went to Larry and Bo of Fern Hills. Second to Toby and Bernadine of Fern Hills. Thanks to all who played, helped, and watched. And congratulations to our winners.
Twenty folks played in the Ladder Ball Tournament this afternoon. First place went to Beer Can of Sunny Haven and Bo of Fern Hills. Second went to Toni of Sunny Haven and Missy of Oakwood. Congratulations to our winners, and thanks to all the players.
Congratulations to Secret Jeff of a Fern Hills for winning the Euchre Tournament. Second was associate member Alan.
Congratulations to Nick of Fern Hills and Jim of Prairie Haven for winning doubles darts.
Thursday, the Board of Director’s for AANR MW met for the General Assembly and Inboard meeting. There are a total of 122 delegates, and 104 were seated. Items discussed and/or voted upon include:
-No service awards.
-No Hall of Fame awards.
-President’s Awards to happen Saturday.
-2019 VP is Bill Dougherty.
-4 candidates for 2 board positions.
-New Board Members are Amy of Fern Hills and Tom of Valley View.
-Fern Hills awarded 2020 convention.
-Fall Conference awarded to Valley View.
-2020 matching grants will be $5,000 to a landed club and $1,000 to a non-landed club.
-The scholarship application will be updated to an online format.
-The process for convention bidding was amended.
Come visit the Kids Kamp 2019 display near the stage. Look at some of the projects from this past June and find out more information for Kamp in 2020!
Visit the Kids Kamp display and find out more about this year’s kamp held at Cedar Trails in June and our plans for 2020. Director Rick and Admin Susan will be on hand Thursday through Sunday to answer any questions.
Saturday, July 27, 2019 — Convention Day Seven!
High Temp 87 | Low Temp 67
Mostly Sunny!
100% Chance of Feeling Free and Natural
9:00 AM AANR All Day Volleyball
9:00 AM AANR Badminton/Dirty Bird
11:00 AM AANR Euchre @ Roost
1:00 PM Watermelon @ Beetle’s
2:00 PM AANR Coed Bag Toss @ Gate
4:00 PM AANR Coed Ladder Ball @ Gate
7:00 PM YAM/JAM/AANR Awards and Raffle @ Stage
9:00 PM Music @ Stage “Pure Country”
Fern Hills Club has been awarded the 2020 AANR MW Convention!
Come back to FHC July 19 – 25, 2020!
Congrats to Missy for winning the Egg Russian Roulette!
Eight conventioneers participated in the ping pong tournament. George of Fern Hills beat out “Wheelz” in the final game. Congratulations!
Friday’s volleyball results:
AA King of the Court was Derek of Turtle Lake.
AA Queen of the Court was Mia of Fern Hills.
B King of the Court was Dale of Whispering Oaks.
B Queen of the Court was Christine of Oakwood.
Thanks to all who played, and congratulations to the winners!
Thanks to all who sponsored a booth during the block party, and those who participated in the golf cart parade. Booth winners were:
Best use of theme: Purdue – Randy and Debbie
Most unusual: Testicle Festiva l- Jon and Phyllis
People’s choice: Nachos – Karen, Carol, Dee, Debbie
Golf cart results:
Best use of theme: Covered Bridge – Larry and Donnetta
Most unusual: Watermelon – Tom and Kathy
People’s choice: Watermelon – Tom and Kathy
Thursday, the Board of Director’s for AANR MW met for the General Assembly and Inboard meeting. There are a total of 122 delegates, and 104 were seated. Items discussed and/or voted upon include:
-No service awards.
-No Hall of Fame awards.
-President’s Awards to happen Saturday.
-2019 VP is Bill Dougherty.
-4 candidates for 2 board positions.
-New Board Members are Amy of Fern Hills and Tom of Valley View.
-Fern Hills awarded 2020 convention.
-Fall Conference awarded to Valley View.
-2020 matching grants will be $5,000 to a landed club and $1,000 to a non-landed club.
-The scholarship application will be updated to an online format.
-The process for convention bidding was amended.
Come visit the Kids Kamp 2019 display near the stage. Look at some of the projects from this past June and find out more information for Kamp in 2020!
Visit the Kids Kamp display and find out more about this year’s kamp held at Cedar Trails in June and our plans for 2020. Director Rick and Admin Susan will be on hand Thursday through Sunday to answer any questions. Jams and Yams projects will be conducted by Mr. Rick on Saturday.
Friday, July 26, 2019 — Convention Day Six!
High Temp 84 | Low Temp 64
Partly cloudy, but no chance for rain!
100% Chance of Feeling Free and Natural
10:00 AM AANR Vball 4s
1:00 PM Egg Russian Roulette @ Stage
3:00 PM WINR Meeting/Activities @ Roost
4:00 PM AANR Ping Pong @ Clubhouse
7:00 PM AANR Darts Doubles and Finals @ Clubhouse
7:00 PM Texas Hold ‘em @ Clubhouse
9:00 PM Music @ Stage
Fern Hills Club has been awarded the 2020 AANR MW Convention!
Come back to FHC July 19 – 25, 2020!
Thanks to all who sponsored a booth during the block party, and those who participated in the golf cart parade. Booth winners were:
Best use of theme: Purdue – Randy and Debbie
Most unusual: Testicle Festiva l- Jon and Phyllis
People’s choice: Nachos – Karen, Carol, Dee, Debbie
Golf cart results:
Best use of theme: Covered Bridge – Larry and Donnetta
Most unusual: Watermelon – Tom and Kathy
People’s choice: Watermelon – Tom and Kathy
Thursday, the Board of Director’s for AANR MW met for the General Assembly and Inboard meeting. There are a total of 122 delegates, and 104 were seated. Items discussed and/or voted upon include:
-No service awards.
-No Hall of Fame awards.
-President’s Awards to happen Saturday.
-2019 VP is Bill Dougherty.
-4 candidates for 2 board positions.
-New Board Members are Amy of Fern Hills and Tom of Valley View.
-Fern Hills awarded 2020 convention.
-Fall Conference awarded to Valley View.
-2020 matching grants will be $5,000 to a landed club and $1,000 to a non-landed club.
-The scholarship application will be updated to an online format.
-The process for convention bidding was amended.
14 conventioneers competed in the Horseshoe Tournament. Congratulations to Richard of Sunshower. Second place was Barb of Prairie Haven. Thanks to all the players.
Ladies, the WINR meeting will be at 3:00 on Friday at the Roost. There will be a swap exchange so please bring gently used items to share. We will also be making candle holders with glue and glitter. There will be snacks and beverages available. See you all there.
Visit the Kids Kamp display and find out more about this year’s kamp held at Cedar Trails in June and our plans for 2020. Director Rick and Admin Susan will be on hand Thursday through Sunday to answer any questions. Jams and Yams projects will be conducted by Mr. Rick on Saturday.
Thursday, July 25, 2019 — Convention Day Five!
High Temp 83 | Low Temp 61
100% Chance of Feeling Free and Natural
9:00 AM AANR Men’s Pickleball
10:00 AM WINR Volleyball
12:00 PM AANR Horseshoes
1:00 PM Musical “Ethel Goes Camping” @ The Stage
2:00 PM AANR MW General Assembly / 15 minute break,
followed by AANR MW Inboard Meeting
7:00 PM Block Party w/ Parade @ Courts
Ladies, the WINR meeting will be at 3:00 on Friday at the Roost. There will be a swap exchange so please bring gently used items to share. We will also be making candle holders with glue and glitter. There will be snacks and beverages available. See you all there.

The YAMS have painted friendship rocks and placed them around camp. If you find one, it’s yours to keep.
Visit the Kids Kamp display and find out more about this year’s kamp held at Cedar Trails in June and our plans for 2020. Director Rick and Admin Susan will be on hand Thursday through Sunday to answer any questions. Jams and Yams projects will be conducted by Mr. Rick on Thursday and Saturday.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019 — Convention Day Four!
High Temp 80 | Low Temp 57
100% Chance of Feeling Free and Natural
7:00 AM AANR Off-Grounds Golf
9:00 AM AANR Women’s Pickleball
12:00 PM YAMs Hot Dog Lunch
2:00 PM AANR Women’s Bag Toss @ Gate
4:00 PM AANR Men’s Bag Toss @ Gate
7:00 PM “Get Acquainted” Party @ Roost
10:30 PM Betty’s Memorial Golf Cart Ride, in honor of all camp family we have lost (Meet @ Clubhouse at 10:15)
Tuesday, the Board of Directors for AANR Midwest met for their Outboard Meeting and General Assembly. They were joined by Erich Schuttauf, the Executive Director of AANR. Items discussed included:
- What the national board does
- Three $5,000 matching grants awarded
- Green Valley is promoting nudism at RV shows
- There are 13 Yams and 5 Jams with 4 more expected
- As the Yam age has been lowered, it was suggested that a third group be created for 8-11 year olds
- Two scholarships were awarded @ $2,000 each
- No Hall of Fame candidates this year -Novice VB tournament with old school rules on Saturday
- Special recognition was given to Bob C. of Fern Hills for his work on the AANR MW website
- The WINR meeting is on Friday with materials for 25 to make the craft
- Special recognition was given to Kevin M. for his hard work with sports
- There are 13 states in the MW. Six regions in the US and Canada. We are the only region with a seven-day convention. We are also the only region with a stable financial standing. As of the end of the second quarter, we have $370,188 held in the bank.
Ladies, the WINR meeting will be at 3:00 on Friday at the Roost. There will be a swap exchange so please bring gently used items to share. We will also be making candle holders with glue and glitter. There will be snacks and beverages available. See you all there.
The musical “Ethel Goes Camping” has been rescheduled for Thursday at 1:00 PM.

Thanks to the contributors to the Convention Facebook page for sharing updates as reposted here!
Tuesday, July 23, 2019 — Convention Day Three!
High Temp 80 | Low Temp 58
100% Chance of Feeling Free and Natural
9:00 AM AANR Coed Pickleball
1:00 PM AANR MW Outboard Meeting
2:00-5:00 PM AANR MW General Assembly @ Clubhouse (Open to ALL!)
6:00 PM Golfer’s Meeting @ Lot 300
6:30 PM AANR Bingo (free) for prizes
7:00 PM AANR Singles Darts @ Clubhouse
8:30 PM Musical “Ethel Goes Camping” @ Stage
(RESCHEDULED for Thursday at 1:00 PM at The Stage)
Ladies, the WINR meeting will be at 3:00 on Friday at the Roost. There will be a swap exchange so please bring gently used items to share. We will also be making candle holders with glue and glitter. There will be snacks and beverages available. See you all there.
The musical “Ethel Goes Camping” has been rescheduled for Thursday at 1:00 PM.
PROJECT YAMS – NOODLE BUGS: YAMS – Join Kids Kamp Director Mr. Rick on Thursday for this fun creature construction session. Your “Noodle Bugs” are only limited by the depths of your creative imagination.
(Note: Uh…there is no truth to the rumor that Noodle Bugs propagate in a Star Trek “tribblesque” fashion and will overrun convention come Saturday morning.)
Congratulations to Pam J. and Jeff J. of Fern Hills for winning the Co-Ed Pickleball Tournament. Second place went to Christine C. and Richard Q. of Oakwood. Third place went to Nikki S. of Fern Hills and Ian of Blue Lake.
Congratulations to Missy and Alexis of Fern Hills on winning the water balloon toss!
Congratulations to Mike of Sunny Haven for winning the cribbage tournament!
Thanks to the contributors to the Convention Facebook page for sharing updates as reposted here!
Monday, July 22, 2019 — Convention Day Two!
High Temp 75 | Low Temp 57
Cloudy | Chance of Stray Shower
100% Chance of Feeling Free and Natural
10:00 AM AANR Cribbage @ Roost
12:00 PM AANR Women’s Bag Toss @ Gate (Rescheduled to Wednesday 7/24 @2:00 PM)
1:00 PM AANR Men’s Bag Toss @ Gate (Rescheduled to Wednesday 7/24 @3:00 PM)
2:00 PM Goofy Games Balloon Toss @ Stage
7:00 PM Bingo @ Roost ($10)
Fern Hills Club members race ducks every month in the pool. Saturday, they were joined by several conventioneers. There were three races; the winners were Pam and Mark (racing a duck in memory of Lois), Patty and Toby – all of Fern Hills. Thanks to the folks who played and helped raise funds for the FHC entertainment committee.
Ladies, the WINR meeting will be at 3:00 on Friday at the Roost. There will be a swap exchange so please bring gently used items to share. We will also be making candle holders with glue and glitter. There will be snacks and beverages available. See you all there.