Our Mission Statement:
To provide our naturist children a fun, safe and
educational summer camp experience
in keeping with our naturist values.

Cedar Trails Nudist Retreat
11 Cow Run Road
Peebles, OH 45660
Get Ready for Kids Kamp 2025 – SURVIVOR!
From Director Mr. Rick….
Few popular television series have enjoyed the following that Survivor has for the last 24 years. Many of us have closely followed the series and have been armchair participants in the astonishing variety of challenges, games, and puzzles dreamt up by the show’s writers.
“Survivor Cedar Trails” will be a weeklong excursion where the youth in our camp will hunt for secret treasures, enjoy working as a team to solve elaborate puzzles, and challenge themselves as individuals through facing daunting physical activities and obstacle courses. Through our week of intellectual and physical challenges, our campers will enjoy an Immersive experience where they will truly find that each teammate is critical to the team’s success and survival. Their mantra will be to Seek, Solve, and Succeed.
In keeping with our Kids Kamp Mission Statement, established almost 15 years ago, we will provide a safe and immersive naturist camp experience that is not just fun, but educational for all age groups. Naturally, your child will not want to miss this camp.
For Our Parents
This year for parents who accompany their campers, we are introducing a “program of activities” for adults. Plans are in the works for water aerobics, volleyball instruction, trail-led hikes, and other surprises all in the spirit of giving parents opportunities to bond during the week. Nearby attractions to Cedar Trails include visits to Amish markets and the Serpent Mound State Memorial, with a prehistoric effigy mound running along the Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County. The mound is the largest serpent effigy known in the world.
Download Kids Kamp 2025 Registration

Make your sponsorship contributions via Kids Kamp GOFUNDME.
Camp is expected to reach up to 40 – 50 kids. . A number of our families have 2, 3, even 4 kids to participate. Our staff give a weeks vacation to facilitate this program.
Meal Plan Sponsorships – Goal 65 meal plans (kids and staff)
For $150 you can sponsor a child or staff member for the week of Kids Kamp. That includes 16 meals. Having the meals prepared and ready is a HUGE help when keeping the schedule on track.
Tuition Sponsorships – Goal 15 tuitions
For $100 you can sponsor tuition for the week for a camper. This is appreciated by those who have multiple children attending.
How to Sponsor?
Email Susan at [email protected] for more information or to send in a pledge. Monies can be sent in via check, Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, OR..
Kids Kamp History – Going Strong after 14 Years
Previous Kids Kamp Themes
- 2012 5 day curriculum: Fossils, Life in the Pond, Life in the Woods, Alternative Energy, Phun Physics
- 2013 5 day curriculum: Art and Music, Phun Physics, Fossils and Rocks, Life in the Pond, Life in the Woods Alternative Energy, Back to Basics Play time
- 2014 5 day curriculum: Primitive Cultures, Greco/Roman Cultures, Native American Day, Nature Discovery Day, Day at the Beach
- 2015 central theme – Survivor
- 2016 central theme – Self Discovery
- 2017 central theme – Fusion, Where Art and Engineering Collide
- 2018 central theme – Beyond, Adventures in Colonizing Space
- 2019 central theme – Changing Lives Through Science
- 2021 central theme – Sensory Explosion!
- 2022 central theme – Naturally Science
- 2023 central theme – Ancient Cultures
- 2024 central theme – Dreams of Flight
Kids Kamp on The New Nudist Podcast
Listen to Director Rick Discuss Family Nudism
A 2022 Kids Kamp Interview with AANR Executive Director Erich Shutauff
AANR Articles
Kids Kamp Expands With Young Adults Program
By Susan Cappa, Kids Kamp Administrator
Kids Kamp has exciting news – a NEW PROGRAM this year to benefit young adults who are interested in helping promote the nudist lifestyle.
As the camp evolved last year with the largest numbers of 32 kids enrolled, the logistics increased exponentially. The staff worked together with the initial set up, running the programs during the week, and then tear down on the last day. Covid precautions increased time management as more reporting, monitoring, and cleaning was required.
A shining star emerged that week. Accompanying her family from Nebraska which included her 5 siblings was a remarkable 18 year old – too old to participate in the program. By the time the week ended, this individual had made herself indispensable in helping with the younger kids. She was so outstanding that one of our Kids Kamp couples, after learning that she was college bound, presented her with a $1000 scholarship. Thus was born the idea of a Jr. Counselor Program.
In preparation for 2021 camp, where an even greater number of kids is expected, this same couple proposed to fund a Jr. Counselor Program – offering scholarships to those who have graduated out of the program but have shown an interest in coming back to help; so strong are the ties of these teens to their camp experiences. In January, the program particulars were flushed out and the following eligibility guidelines were established:
- High school graduate (or GED equivalent) age 17 to 22
- Actively pursuing higher education, trade apprenticeship, or military enlistment
- Previous Kids Kamp participation preferred
- Supportive of the nudist lifestyle.
Applicants are well known to directors and after filling out an essay-type application, will be interviewed to make sure they fit the program. These young adults will be utilized in classrooms, meal serving, hikes, cleaning, set up and break down of camp, and generally any area that needs an extra set of hands and eyes. Currently the staff is making up a “project list” where they could be assigned.
Kids Kamp, with the help of our benefactor couple and sponsorships, is able to provide meals, lodging, First Aid training, youth AANR membership, letters of volunteer service and referrals for additional AANR Scholarships in addition to the $1000 scholarship.
This program, which could mean up to 6 Jr. Counselors for 2021, then presented a housing issue as Cedar Trail’s first priority is for parents and kids. The solution was to purchase tents and camping equipment (an additional $1400 funding grant from our benefactors for accommodations) – thus the Jr. Counselor Village was born. The first scheduled activity for the Jr. Counselors – setup their Kids Kamp habitat!
As June planning progresses, the Jr. Counselors will be incorporated into the program. The focus will be teaching them to plan, execute, and evaluate activities. Briefings and debriefings will be mandatory. It’s a plan to include them from beginning to end.
How Can AANR Members Help?
As every year, the camp operates through generous sponsorships of meal plans and tuitions for multi kid families. Our additional Jr. Counselors and projected increase in kids, inflates our needs. If AANR members wish to help be part of a program that promotes the next generation of nudists, contact [email protected] or call Susan Cappa (513) 368-3007. Kids Kamp needs those sponsorships to ensure a cost effective nudist event for families.
Experiential Learning and Naturism
By Rick Sloan, Kids Kamp Director
When parents ask about our week-long summer camp program for naturist kids, they often inquire about our claim that it is not only fun but educational. I explain that, in addition to the hours spent daily in activities like swimming, volleyball, yoga, hiking, and games, we have an educational theme that underpins our entire week of activities. This invariably leads into a discussion about experiential learning and how it works.
Each year, we put together a curriculum that allows a child to learn through doing. Experiential learning is much more than simply listening to a dissertation or watching a video. It is actually experiencing the materials in a much deeper way.
A good example are the biology experiments that the kids performed last year. The kids not only erected their own biology lab as a team, but they then went out and collected biological samples to grow cultures from and view under microscopes. We explained the proper way to use sterile lab procedures and to collect samples for their petri dishes. The kids then went out and took swabs from all kinds of living things that were found around the resort. They monitored their cultures in the lab and viewed them as they grew day by day. When these kids go to the doctor and have their throats swabbed, they now understand what it is for and how the swab can be used to grow a culture, because they have personally done similar experiments.
(Note: Rick is a regular contributor of Family Friendly Nudism articles to THE BULLETIN. Having raised two daughters in the nudist lifestyle, he has ample stories to relate to parents and members.)
Let’s Look Forward to Yoga 2019
From AANR Bulletin February 2019.
One of the popular yearly activities for Kids Kamp is first-thing-in-the-morning-yoga. When we first started the class years ago, it was a “see if the kids appreciate it” type experiment. For 2019’s Kamp, we are still going strong and want to spotlight our instructor Eva Blanchard – a yoga enthusiast since the age of 12. So far, she has been teaching a simplified adult class to the kids. Last November Kids Kamp sponsored her in a yoga workshop geared for teaching kids.
One of the biggest things she learned was how to lead young children in games that incorporate yoga. Things like Yogi Says… instead of Simon Says… or musical mats where music is played and when the music stops, the kids form the pose that is called out by the teacher.
Another great relaxation technique called CALM is where the kids sit quietly and say each letter in the word CALM while touching their thumb to each of their four fingers. This can be done four or five times along with breathing in and out to help calm the mind and emotions. This is a practical tool before a test or sporting event or just when a child needs a moment to collect themselves.
For kids it is about helping them feel comfortable in their bodies and learn simple methods to relax and regulate themselves when they get overwhelmed or overly emotional. The yoga movements and breathing techniques provide the framework for the overall goal of helping them feel good in their skin and have a smile on their face.
For Eva, Kids Kamp was her first experience teaching nude yoga. Not having clothing on fits well with yoga since there is no pinching or other clothing restrictions holding one back while doing the poses. With Kids Kamp, the outdoors adds the benefit of fresh air and sun on the skin.
As the week progresses the kids try to hold a pose longer or make adjustments so they can be more adept at the posture. Their attention usually improves throughout the week so that she is able to teach a slightly longer class each day and allow them to stay in each stance just a bit longer.
Each year the ones that were at the previous year’s Kids Kamp ask about the yoga class or tell her about teaching a pose to their friends at school. They stay focused during the whole session and participate to the best of their ability. This activity has been so well received that Cedar Trails’ members have asked to join in the morning routine.
According to Ms. Blanchard, “I love doing yoga. Having the opportunity to share it and grow in my skills is very fun. The kids respond really well to the class which makes it energizing and inspiring. They help me bring my best self to the class.”